Monday, September 05, 2005

God Is Not Religion

I go along with a blog I read that said, “We can have a good society in spite of religion.” Another one said, “Morality comes from religion.” And that I do NOT agree with. Morality comes from God, and God is not religion. Religion is an invention of humans who want to control other humans. It contributes more to immorality than it takes away from it. Those Muslims terrorists are real moral when it comes to sex and honesty, and that is good; but to condemn people to death because they are not honest or because they commit some sexual wrong, is more immoral than the so-called sins they are punishing for. Flying loaded airliners into occupied buildings is NOT a moral act. Acts of violence are the greatest sins.
I am a religious man of sort, much like the source of my nom de plume, Albert Einstein. That Albert had a lot of good things to say on this subject.
One book that really puts this point across is, in my opinion, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig. It points out how we are born knowing right from wrong, and how we are guided by Quality, the thing that tells us good from evil. There is one thing that I like from religion; it is the Golden Rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Maybe some religionists should pay attention to that.


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