Friday, August 26, 2005

Words or No Words???

I never fail to write each morning; it is a deeply engrained habit. But there are two things I do fail to do each day that I really want to do. I don’t always exercise, nor do I meditate. I’ve tried to make yoga asanas a regular habit, but I only do them occasionally. I sometimes call my writing “writing meditation”; but, is it? I think it is to some extent, but to what extent I can’t really say. What is this thing with words anyway?
Our lives are built around words. A stream of words is constantly playing in my head; how about yours? When I try to mediate, the first thing I do is to try and turn off the words. In Buddhist meditation they call this “being in the here and now.” To enter the Alpha state of mind by the Silva Mind Control method, one counts backwards. Numbers are words; are they not? A stream of words, “one-hundred, ninety-nine, ninety-eight …” takes me into the Alpha. It is my belief that the Alpha is the place to find the divine. Sometimes I just pay attention to my own breathing; that seems to work too. Being in Alpha doesn’t seem to me to be in the here and now, but more of a magic place where I see and hear strange and wondrous things.


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