Program Poem for Writers
IF rain fell last night THEN do not mow lawn.
IF it is still raining THEN decide to write.
LET today = Sunday (even if it's not really)
MAKE coffee
TURN ON computer
POUR cup of coffee
CHECK e-mail
DELETE e-mail Don't bother to read,
unless it's from somebody you know.
Not much chance of that.
PLAY Free Cell to get over writer's block.
GOTO Favorites for subject to write about.
news items on Yahoo
stock market
weather forecast
WRITE "I don't know what to write this morning."
SIT .AND. STARE at computer screen in front of you.
POUR another cup of coffee.
DECIDE to write a short poem to get writing started off.
WRITE poem.
WRITE about the movie you saw last night.
KEEP WRITING this time.
END but not too soon.
IF it is still raining THEN decide to write.
LET today = Sunday (even if it's not really)
MAKE coffee
TURN ON computer
POUR cup of coffee
CHECK e-mail
DELETE e-mail Don't bother to read,
unless it's from somebody you know.
Not much chance of that.
PLAY Free Cell to get over writer's block.
GOTO Favorites for subject to write about.
news items on Yahoo
stock market
weather forecast
WRITE "I don't know what to write this morning."
SIT .AND. STARE at computer screen in front of you.
POUR another cup of coffee.
DECIDE to write a short poem to get writing started off.
WRITE poem.
WRITE about the movie you saw last night.
KEEP WRITING this time.
END but not too soon.
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