Sunday, November 06, 2005

The Third Way - Transcendence

This morning’s newspaper has an article about Kansas changing their definition of science as it is to be taught in the public schools to appease the Bible thumpers. I stand in between those purely science people and the Christian Fundamentalists and I want to tell them that they are both wrong. While it is quite true that the Christian and Muslim Fundamentalists are more wrong than the Science Fundamentalists, I argue that both need to get real. There are things in this world that science cannot explain, but turning to the Holy Bible or the Koran for answers is going off in the wrong direction. We may never, at least in this dimension, be able to “grasp the natures” of reality to any extent that can be measured by science, but we do have a separate reality that should complement science rather than replace it. One might call this the “realm of possibility.” We feel things, hear things, and see things that science cannot explain. Most of these things are subjective in nature, but there are a great many subjects experiencing them. There are things like beauty, for example, which almost all people experience, yet science cannot explain or measure it. In my opinion, these things are the reason why we have intuitive right hemispheres to our brains.


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