Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Optimism Is The Best Policy

My gloves that I wear to bed have mysteriously disappeared. I couldn't find one when I was going to bed and the other was gone this morning. My wife says that I was taken by aliens during the night and they forgot to put my glove back on after they performed experiments on me. I definitely remember putting on my face mask at bedtime, but it was off when I woke up this morning. The oxygen machine was still going. I think the aliens found a cure for the common cold, because when I went to sleep I had a cold, but now I don't. Maybe instead of aliens, it is angels taking care of me. I am, after all, an optimist. Why not believe the best? My Aunt Charlotte sees no evil, hears no evil, and speaks no evil. Because of this she is well liked and is living a long life, 99 years so far.
I believe that I had a heart attack in 1991 because of frustration and anger. And, a couple of years later I came close to another heart attack when I encountered a con artist disguised as a business manager at a Nissan dealer. I think it was these two events in my life that helped me become an optimist.
One thing some old people do that is self-defeating is that they think they are too old to try anything new or even learn anything. I see that as pessimism. I believe in living as long as I am alive. I even believe that I have an eternal soul that will continue after my earth body wears out and dies.
Some say that I have schizophrenia because I hear voices, but if that makes me schizoid, I don't want to be cured. A while back I asked myself, should I be a blogger? One of the voices said, "Definitely!" So, here I am blogging.
